Memberships at CSA and Co.
AGNITAS means the highest quality
To ensure the correct delivery of the mailings sent via E-Marketing Manager, we work closely with all of the large e-mail providers. In addition exist memberships at various institutions. These demand from your members the highest quality in terms of consumer protection. With these measures, you benefit from the whitelisting of the AGNITAS server in the SaaS variant.
Together with the German Direct Marketing Association DDV, eco, the Association for German Internet Business, has set up a positive list project, the so-called “Certified Senders Alliance”. As well as the senders, many renowned e-mail providers participate in the CSA, which provides its members with so-called whitelisting. Whitelisting ensures correct delivery of your e-mail while conforming to ethical fundamentals in e-mail marketing. This means that on the server side, spam filtering does not generally come into play.
The DDV (= German Direct Marketing Association) represents the interests of companies that use dialog marketing measures. Also suppliers of services who are active in this sector. As a member of the DDV, we utilize the common know-how, willingness to cooperate and the business contacts in the dialog marketing area. The DDV is a strong association that promotes more efficiency, creativity and legal security in one-to-one communication.
The ISPA – Internet Service Providers Austria – is the umbrella organization for Internet business in Austria. Its concern is the setting up of the optimum commercial and legal conditions for the development of the Internet.
The quality standard E-Mail Marketing replaces since 2017 the E-Mail Marketing code of ethics. The quality standard regulates important principles in the use of E-Mail Marketing and can be signed by all DDV members. A monitoring body monitors compliance with this commitment. You as a customer profit from our adherence to ethical principles in dialog marketing.
Signal Spam is a public-private partnership that allows users to report anything that they consider to be spam in their e-mail client or webmail in order to assign it to the public authority or the professional that will take the required action to combat the reported spam.
AGNITAS is member of the Open Source Business Alliance – abbr. OSB Alliance. The OSB Alliance is Europes largest network of companies and organisations, which develop or use open source software. It’s goal is to make open source software and other forms of open collaborations more successful.