Marketing Automation for a better Customer Experience
Marketing automation is almost inextricably linked with a personalized customer approach and a positive customer experience. One-to-one marketing and Realtime Content decisively contribute to your success – because the greater the content relevance for the recipient, the higher the conversion rate.
The AGNITAS E-Marketing Manager (EMM) supports you in all relevant and necessary issues:
Starting with the automated data exchange via various interfaces with your existing IT infrastructure continuing with the automated campaign management in different communication channels going ahead with realtime profiling of your recipients up to sending automated reports.
In addition to numerous automated processes, the Campaign Manager in particular facilitates individual and automated communication with the recipient. Thus the Campaign Manager has a special meaning in creating the customer experience.
Marketing Automation with the Campaign Manager
The Campaign Manager makes planning, implementation, and analysis of multi-level campaigns even easier and more effective. Your employees will have more time to spend on creative ideas and intelligent campaigns, which will noticeably enhance your company’s revenue and success.
Most important for you: The Campaign Manager is a component of the EMM basic feature set.
Advantages at a glance
- Graphic desktop
- Intuitive usage
- Complex campaigns at a glance
- Planning, implementation, and analysis
- One-click activation
- Key figures in real time
- Practical and time-saving templates
How it works
Place icons per Drag & Drop
Connect and fill icons
Activate campaign
Analyse campaign
With the Campaign Manager your ideas have almost no limits. Beginning with manual activated single campaigns up to full-automated trigger-campaigns – you have all possibilities for creating new campaigns.
You can save, copy and change the campaigns at any time, also while runtime. Simply overtake predefined example campaigns (A/B testing, Birthday, Welcome Mailing) or use them as inspiration for your own ideas.
Example campaign: multistage event management

Organize your event automated with the campaign manager:
From invitation management with several reminder mailings over the confirmation of participation
until opinion poll and sending out relevant documents after the event –
you can plan and manage the whole process in one campaign.
Data is the base for Marketing Automation
Data is the most important component for marketing automation. That is why the E-Marketing Manager (EMM) offers numerous interfaces so your data can automatically flow between it and your systems.
For maximum results in marketing automation you should combine our premium features Automation Package, Retargeting Package and Smart Data with the standard features des EMM.
This lets you react to responses in your shop or on your website at any time (e.g. Retargeting via e-mail). Moreover you send use all kind of trigger-mailings.